The Jerrabomberra Creek (formally known as Williamsdale) Brigade, started in the 1940s. There is some conjecture to the exact year the brigade was formed, and folk law suggests the date is early than the current official date. Records indicate formal Brigade activity in 1947 - This is the date the brigade has settled on.
The early days of the brigade covered both ACT and NSW lands and exclusively broad acre farm lands. In the early days, the brigade had no equipment and people went out with hessian bags and farms tools to put out the fires.
In the 1960s and 1970s the brigade was starting to get more organised the first official firefighting trucks were fund raised and obtained. Mostly they were second hand trucks (the Inter and Dodge era trucks).
The late 80s saw the first major change in the brigade area. This came about as the now ACT local government started building its own State infrastructure. The ACT Guises Creek brigade (about 3K down the road) was formed. At this time the Williamsdale brigade was no longer responsible for fires in the ACT areas any more. The brigade area covered the now Royalla postcode, Williamsdale postcode and Smith Road postcode (West of the Murrimbidgee river)
In the mid 90's with the beginning of sub-division in the area, the brigade sort a more permanent home, rather than operating out of farmers sheds. Through the donation of land from Mrs Gibbs, and a grant from the Yarralumla shire council, the main operations shed was built. This processed started in 1996 and the base shed was finished in 1997. In 1998 the brigade received its first modern and relatively new tanker, the current Cat 1 truck.
Starting 2001, significant land subdivision and rural life style blocks were replacing broad-acre farming. Within five (5) years the brigade's housing stock had increased by nearly ten (10) times. During this time, Mr Steven Gibbs and his wife Karen, made a further donation of land to the brigade to give the brigade a more usable compound area.
In 2003, the brigade has significant action defending the brigade's areas from fires that came out of the ACT. Smith road area suffered significant burning, but fortunately little housing or farm shed loss, though significant fence and livestock loss. The brigade decided to ask council to help build a smaller secondary shed at the Smith's road location, with the volunteers and brigade donating time and addition resources to building that shed.
In 2004 the NSW government, significantly realigned the local council boundaries and our brigade area changed significantly. The Smiths Road area was moved to the Cooma Monaro shire and eventually it became a brigade in its own right. The Williamsdale area became part of the Burra brigade. The Fernleigh park area became part of the Williamsdale brigade (formally part of the Burra area). With such dramatic change in our area, and given the Brigade's name no longer reflected the brigade's area, the name was changed. Jerrabomberra Creek was chosen as it was the major water way through the current Brigade area. During this process the RFS moved assets to suit the new brigade areas, and the brigade was allocated a relatively new Cat 7 truck.
As part of the Council re-alignments rates monies where held in trust. The Queenbeyan City Council invited submissions from the community on how to spend monies that were held in trust. The brigade wrote a submission to fund the training the room. The project stalled on a few issues to do with land titles left over from the Council re-alignments. Once these had been sorted out there was steady progress over an 18 month period establishing the training room facility.
Main Station Funding
A grant from the Yarralumla shire council of $18,000 provided the materials for the shed. Volunteer labour of approximately 400 hours created the building platform, slab and fenced off area.
Main Station Facility
The main station consists of a 3 bay shed. Over time a small kitchenette facility was created and a mezzanine level for equipment storage. The shed can hold a Cat 1, Cat 7, and Cat 9 truck.
Training Room Funding
$52,000 from the Rates monies held in trust from the former Yarralumla shire council. Queenbeyan City Council $15,000 to help finish fit out. $2000 direct grants from Brigade Funds. 810 hours of volunteers time to fit out the shed (the brigade got a quote to fit out the shed of $92,000 with no floor coverings, the brigade has done the same work $37,000 with floor coverings). RFSA supplied a 22,000L water tank $3,000. Business's known the brigade doing work for cost or no cost, approximate inkind donations $5,000.
Training Room Description
The training area is a 15x8 metre shed with a 6 metre lean to on one side. The Training facility has a main training room of 9x8Metres. There is a small kitchenette of 3x2.5M, a brigade office of 3x2.5M and further storage facilities of 5x3M. In addition there are 2 toilets, shower facility, and hand washing facility.